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ZCOM's India Office Participates in the 2023 India-Pakistan Trade Delegation Event

Aug 11, 2023

Date: August 8, 2023

Location: New Delhi


On August 8th, 2023, ZCOM participated in the "2023 India-Pakistan Trade Delegation" event held by the TAITRA in New Delhi. The event featured a dynamic business negotiation session at the New Delhi station, where the company's local representative in India engaged in enthusiastic discussions with potential clients.


According to data provided by the TAITRA's New Delhi office, the event attracted a participation of over 110 companies, including prominent industry leaders such as Tata Group and Samsung. Notably, among the delegation of Taiwanese businesses, a total of 11 enterprises including Z-COM were represented, spanning sectors such as food, machinery and electronics. It is estimated that the activities on this day have the potential to generate a business opportunity valued at 1.5 million US dollars.

 following link:貿協南亞拓銷團 估商機至少150萬美元 | 產經 | 中央社 CNA



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